Ideas for a Home Spring Refresh
I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for spring. The snow is still lingering across my lawn in places, but the warmer temperatures should rid us of the last reminders today. Inside? The inside of my home is screaming for a spring refresh.
Once I am over winter, spring plants and yellows appear across the landscape of my kitchen, family room, and bedroom.
Touches of lemons, yellow flowers and greenery are added among the candlelight. A nod of warmth to the rooms added with a bit of bright happiness.
When do you begin your spring refresh?
With temperatures soaring to the 60’s this week, my mind has gone into full spring cleaning.
Out goes signs of winter and in with spring decorating happens, too.
How do you begin to get ready for spring?
For me? Here are a few easy steps that you might find helpful, too.
1- Decluttering
I don’t know about you, but, pulling things out of kitchen cabinets and closets begins to herald the beginning of spring. A true beginning to spring cleaning.
Stacks to take to different charities begins.
TIP: I make simple lists of what goes where. It comes in handy if I need a donations receipt to know where I took things to and to justify the amount on each receipt.
There’s something liberating about passing things on that still have lots of love and mileage to others who can use them.
- linens- like sheets that are not being used.
- wall decor- planters, prints and even accessories are sorted
- upcoming seasonal items for holidays that I don’t plan to use- St. Patrick’s, Easter, graduation are moved to the piles.
- out goes seasonal items that I didn’t use for fall, Christmas or Valentine’s Day is heading out the door, too. If you don’t love it enough to use it…perhaps someone else will?
- winter clothing, coats, purses, or shoes that have not been worn this season are moved to the piles.
- pots and pans that have been replaced have been added to boxes.
- even appliances, such as, an air fryer and coffee pot are added to the donations.
2- Closet reorganizations
If you are like me, you may have a few closets that are organized, but the organization simply doesn’t work. Please tell me I’m not alone here.
So, rearranging a couple of closets is happening. Emptying everything out and transitioning to a new system is needed. Hanging bags that aren’t needed are moved. Reworking of shelves.
Even the removing a center chest in one closet that has become a catch all is happening.
TIP: Empty the contents of your closet out…I’m not kidding. Then reorganize how you want things to return to storage. I promise you will find treasures among discarding things along the way.
3- Accessory refresh
It doesn’t take long with winter weather after the first of the year that accessory refresh is needed. A change out of pillow covers on the sectional in the family room begins.

Usually it’s bright greens and yellows there.
Anything that adds life and light takes priority.
Bunnies come out of their hiding places and once again make a home among the landscape.

It’s a good time of year to look at what’s on surfaces- tables, mantels, and bookshelves- to see what can be moved and make spring appear sooner than later.
The hutch gets a spring refresh, too. Everything gets removed, shelves cleaned and spring accessories added back in. Makes my heart so happy.

Bird nests, spring wreaths, gardening books, and pots of fresh flowers begin meandering their way through the rooms.

TIP: Shop your own home for items to switch out before buying more. Honestly, I find things I never remember going through storage areas to switch things out.
If you need more ideas of what’s trending this spring, my friend can help you...just click here.
4- Porch spring refresh
Since the front door and porch are the first impression that those who enter have for you, take time to clean away the winter residue and add a bit of spring to planters and door decor.

Since we go out the front entrance less frequently, birds find it a safe haven to settle in with nests and babies if we don’t watch it carefully. On more than one occasion, I’ve opened a front door to have a mama bird confused and fly inside instead of away from the door. Getting them back out the front door is more challenging than I want to repeat.
Just a tip, here. If you are adding a wreath or basket in the spring to your front door? Send birds a message and place an “occupied” sign with another faux nest and eggs nestled to the wreath. It usually helps prevent wreath occupants.
Try the nest and eggs trick to help send them to a new location!
I have changed out the pots on the porch with different variations of plants during the winter months. It’s ranged from live trees to faux trees, to topiary structures to add something to pots until warm weather and frost passes to allow spring or summer flowers added.

I’ll be out this week looking for hardier plants to fill pots until the “no frost” warning makes summer favorites possible.

5- Spring cleaning
Can I tell you that perhaps it was the snow day seclusion that had me looking at kitchen cabinets and baseboards? Shrapnel from entertaining and perhaps less time for cleaning made their appearance.
A simple cleaning around baseboards.
Cleaning out insides and outsides of cabinets…and even refrigerator and oven are great ways to add a spring refresh to your home.
Adding new ways to organize the pantry and cleaning out of date products from the fridge and pantry are happening again.

6- Live plants
My heart is screaming for adding life indoors this time of year. Until the daffodils, hyacinths, tulips or forsythia begin to bloom outside, and I can add them to sweet planters inside? Well, live plants will be given priority inside. Added near windows are pots of ferns, succulents, and blooming plants.

A true spring refresh means that I’m supporting my local tulip farmer, Tulip Lane, as she shares bouquets for sale. Those beautiful blooms always find a home on my table and island.
I can’t wait to visit her tulip farm to pick again this year.

It’s not too late to plant some of those tulip bulbs inside to get a head start on blooming. Frenchtown Station always inspires me to do indoor planting.

There are tiny vases in bathrooms with a bloom added to give a nod or wink reminding me that life will soon begin to awaken from its winter dormancy.
I don’t know about you, but, I’m ready!
My garden planner has come out, seeds ordered and a few are making their start inside.

7- Room makeovers
Now, budget restraints have to be considered with this. I get it!
But, there’s something about a new throw…or a new print…a new pillow…or even a complete makeover that starts stirring here.

The past few years about this time, there’s been a new makeover in a room.
- first, the plate rack that holds my trays was created.
- next, it was the spice rack that I STILL love.
- then, there was the small bathroom complete overhaul.
- followed by the master bathroom redo.
- somewhere in the middle was the kitchen makeover from the fire.
So, what’s next this year to complete a spring refresh here?
Since we have a home office and businesses for both my husband and I conducted out of one space..it was overdue for a complete makeover.
Do you remember the fire we had a few years ago?
Well, a delayed reaction of the equipment used to remove humidity from inside caused the wallpaper to shrink and separate…and then loosen.
Making wallpaper removal and a decision about how to make the office more functional a new priority.
Be watching.
It’s happening!
A trip to IKEA may need to happen for more inspiration.
Now, if I can just make decisions that both of us agree on, that will be glorious. Send any suggestions my way!
Can you believe March 1 is a few days away? So ready to move out of February.
Here’e more spring inspiration if you need it! Always the same price, but I just have fun finding and sharing all of them!

How are you heralding spring? I’d LOVE to know in the comments!
Happy Spring, friends! It will be here before we know it!

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Cindy Walker
Many fabulous ideas! I also have been adding bright colors (green is the favorite), birds & changing table linens. Filling my home with outside touches just makes me happy.
Leslie J Watkins
Love it! The weather has me outside this week working on trimming limelights and roses. And our daffodils will soon be blooming…can’t wait!