Begin the New Year with Reflecting on Blessings & Success!
A dear friend of mine shared with me a brilliant thought in December that has been a life changing way to view the past year. Reflections! Instead of thinking of simply all the hurdles or disasters you have been through, her comment was, “think of all of the successes and blessings in your life this past year.” She continued with, “I can see them so much, but, I want you to take time to write them all down”.
Counting Blessings…Success…and Reflections!
All of you know that I am relatively new to the blogging world; but, as I look back to 2021…WOW is all I can say. Not just in the blogging world…but, in life, a great deal happened.
Perhaps this would be helpful for you, too. Reflecting on things that you have accomplished and look at your world in a different light.
So, here’s to counting successes and blessings! Hope you’ll celebrate with me!
1. Vue magazine monthly writer
Who knew in 2020 that the owners of the Vue magazine would find my blog and ask me to write monthly articles???! I can’t tell you how huge this success is for me.
Overwhelmed, overjoyed and humbled all rolled up into one package…if you’d love to follow along, you can always read this amazing magazine each month online here.

2. Restructuring underneath the house.
Although this wasn’t reflected in the blog writing…it’s one of those life successes that has been more beneficial than you can ever imagine.
You know some things happen in home ownership that you don’t see coming. Sure we knew that there was more moisture under the house since we were downhill from other residences. We had placed a dehumidifier under the house and covered the underside of the house in plastic.
But reality of mold, mildew and structure issues created the need for more. More restructuring…more french drains…a complete clean out of the foundation…sunk pump added and the entire foundation insulated. A mold, mildew and termite treatment added and we couldn’t be happier. Money that wasn’t budgeted was well spent.
We have the perfect team that have become like family to us to recommend if any of you in the area need such services.
3. Health journey
In March, I shared with you about my choice to work on my health and weight and shared with you a post for WW (weight watchers) journey and my weight loss. You can read that post here. Reflections of where I began…Still continuing to work on counting points and that success goal…but, I love this program, and I think it helps all of us to monitor food choices and health choices in our life, right?
I’m with you on the sidelines cheering you on! I may need a cheerleader or two after all of the comfort foods and Christmas goodies right now!

4. Front porch redo
I shared with you the destruction of the raccoon on the front porch and attic.
Although, I wouldn’t have chosen this to happen, I do love my new dusk to dawn lights and the overall look.

That project led to a complete redo of landscaping on the front of the house. Unplanned, but so needed…does that happen to you, too?
I shared again about those lights in this post.
5. Spice rack organizer
A huge heart gift from my husband this year has been life changing. His vision and creation of this new slide out spice organizer on one side and cookbook rack on the other is one of my favorite gifts and creations ever!
How did I live without this before? If you missed it, you need to check it out here. Reflections of his skill and care in creating the right gift…I am in love with this one! Perhaps this one is the most popular post of all last year…

6. Bathroom Remodel
The spring brought us to finally finish a complete remodel of a guest bathroom. I am so very pleased with the final outcome.
Although there were lots of hurdles for this project, the results were well worth it. If you missed this project, you can find it here.

7. Celebrating family
For the first time in close to four years…ALL of my kids and grandkids were home…together. All of their feet under my table to share life, conversation, food, games, laughter and even crafts. Precious and priceless. You can read how I prepared for the celebration here. Blessings with the success of lots of laughter, joy and fun shared! Lots of preparation for this event was shared in this post.

Then there was the family gathering after the loss of my husband’s twin sister…the first time we were all together in over 20 years. Priceless time together that I shared on this post.

Then there were family members who came to stay with us after the tornados that ripped through their community. Grateful for their safety and their home. To be able to care for them during the loss of power and water and devastation was a huge blessing.
In this post, I shared about how we stayed busy during their stay.

Lots of recipes and projects were shared on the pages of this blog this year. Still favorites are:

DIY projects here and here and here…even this garden wreath was a favorite…

8. Attending my first blogging conference
The success of just getting there to this event–amidst Covid–was HUGE. Precautions were taken and it was the most emotionally charged 5 days of my life. Friends from our blogging group, from all across the nation and other countries, met and reaffirmed relationships and friendships. There was times of learning and honing our “craft”; but, the importance of this group was and continues to be overwhelming. So many blessings from this group to count!

You see, we have talked often, been on Zoom calls, prayed with and for each other, walked through struggles, illness and loss together and learned from one another. Being with them in person…again…priceless!
9. Brand collaborations
During the Haven Blogging Conference, connections were made that I had no clue would take me where they have…from having products gifted to write about…to being accepted to a new blogging sales group…to helping launch a fundraising branch for Mad Dash Mixes…my world has seen huge success! Relationships with each brand…amazing!

Still more in my future–from Jeffery Court backsplash in a new kitchen remodel–TotalBoat epoxy project–more from Mad Dash Mixes–and the list goes on. Can’t wait to share all of this in 2022 with you…be following not to miss anything!
Who knew that my husband and I would enjoy a brand sponsored trip to New Orleans this year? Thank you, Sherri and Manny! A true gift of friendship and collaboration.

Continuing to write recipes for a local farm is a true blessing for me.
I am especially thankful to Lauren at Hayco Farms for giving me the opportunity to be a part of their 2022 boxes.
10. Success of staying the course
That may not mean a lot to you…but, staying the course is one of my best successes this year.
Not giving up or throwing in the towel.
Giving myself grace to pause when I needed to for family, illness or loss.
Listening to when and what I needed to share with you all on the pages of this blog.
Remembering priorities in my life and keeping those in check helped me to stay the course.
I’m not sure that you know this fact about this little blog or not…but, it was something that God told me to do…and I struggled with for ten long years before I could grasp what my voice was and what I needed to share. Even the name had to be the right one. If you read the “about me” section, you’ll learn more about all of that.
THANK YOU for being here. For your love and support and sweet comments. Even the personal messages have meant so much!
So where will success find you this year?
Perhaps just getting over the hurdles of 2020 and 2021 might be where your focus takes you.
I get it…we are right there with you.
For me, I’m still counting my blessings…for friends and family who knew we needed a vacation on the gulf and sent us there to rest after the loss of my husband’s twin sister…thank you.
You will find that 2022 will find us with new projects that 2021 brought us…thankful that a house fire is giving us new siding, deck and a kitchen remodel that, although we wouldn’t have selected, is already keeping us busy in January. I am so very grateful for His loving care and provision through this. Although I haven’t shared about it before, know that there were so many blessings from this one.
And yes, we hosted Thanksgiving the following day after the house fire!
That Jeffrey Court backsplash will be shared amidst that remodel.
Perhaps we will FINALLY finish our master bedroom and bathroom that began in 2020 while all of those other projects of 2021 pushed their way to the front. Who knew?!!
You will probably find me selecting new windows and home design projects this year.
More recipes, entertaining ideas, DIY projects, celebrations, and gardening will fill these pages.
Perhaps a you tube channel that I have had that has set undisturbed will come to life this year…goodness! hold my hand with that one!
In 2021, I shared 42 recipes and 40 stories, projects and DIY’s…I am thankful in 52 weeks that I could share that much with you…especially with all that happened this year.
For 2022, what would you like me to share?
I’d love to know.
I am wishing ALL of you, dear friends, a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Now…it’s your turn…time for YOU to remember all of YOUR successes and blessings from 2021.
I’d love to know your successes and blessings that have helped to shape your 2022. Please share them in the comments with me.
I’d love to hear all about them!
Happy New Year, friends! Thankful for sharing this journey of life with all of you!
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Such a beautiful post. You had a great year.
I’m so sorry about the fire.
I look forward to see 2022.
YouTube is one of my big things on my list.
Leslie J Watkins
Thank you, Cindy. I hope that you are well and have a great 2022! Let’s challenge each other with YouTube!
Jennifer Howard
Well, what a year you had!!! I’m still sour that I missed the group photo at Haven…but that conference was one of the highlights of my year!!
I’m so sorry about your husband’s twin and I didn’t know about the fire.
Leslie J Watkins
One of the highlights of Haven was meeting you! It’s been a year of extremes, but when KariAnne said to focus on our successes…a game changer! That fire was the most bizarre of all…but, the outcomes and blessings have been huge. I’ll be sharing all of that in a few weeks… Can’t wait to see all that you share in 2022!
Tracey Buchanan
You do a great job, Leslie! Keep on keeping on!!
Leslie J Watkins
Thank you, friend. It was such a game changer to look at the positive accomplishments than the difficulties. I think I’ll be keeping on!!
Wow!!! What an amazing year of ups and downs.
Thank you so much for sharing all that you do and for not giving up!
You have a gift to be shared and I am so glad that you do:)
Happy 2022 to you.
Leslie J Watkins
Oh, thank you, sweet Maria! I have so loved meeting you and sharing life with you. Happy New Year to you!
Stacey Olson
What an incredible year, Leslie! You’ve completed so many beautiful projects (I just LOVE that spice rack so much). I’m so glad that I got to meet you at Haven and I’m excited to see what this year brings. <3
I rejoice in all the blessings that the Lord has placed before you and the amazing and wonderful ways he has open doors. I rejoice in your gifts and talents and how you radiate Christ. You encourage my heart just by being who You Are and I believe that your photo says it all! Thank you so much for sharing
Leslie J Watkins
Oh, sweet Dee, how I love you! Thank you for your kind thoughts. My prayer is that 2022 be gracious to you and that it be your best year yet! I have loved meeting you here!
LEslie, you have had an amazing year and you should be so proud. You have also had a heartbreaking year with the loss of your SIL and several friends. I had no idea about the fire! I am sorry to read about that. I hope this year brings you everything you hope for.
Leslie J Watkins
Thank you, Elizabeth. One of the highlights of my year has been getting to know you and follow along with your blog. You are the most inspiring person and I am so grateful for all that you have poured into me. May this year bring you much joy and happiness! Always love our conversations!
Linda Johnston
Still sorry I miss tthe MM group photo. What a year! Thanks for sharing your overview.
Leslie J Watkins
Thanks for joining me here, Linda…Happy New Year!
This post is so inspiring, Leslie … what a year you’ve had. It’s been a lot of fun to follow along with your blogging journey and all your successes in this arena. Particurlary Vue magaine. I know 2022 is going to be even more amazing. So sad I wasn’t able to be at Haven … I hope to be there this year. Happy New Year! xo
Leslie J Watkins
I have so loved meeting you here and on your blog, as well, Juliet. Pure joy! Can’t wait to truly meet you at Haven! Happy New Year to you, too!
Sherri Leal
We went from strangers to friends in 60 seconds.
Love your blog and our new relationship! Thanks for all you do!
Mad Dash Mixes
Leslie J Watkins
Perfectly said, sweet friend! Thank you so much…can’t wait to continue sharing with you!
Leslie, you have so much to be proud of this past year. Such wonderful accomplishments! I always enjoy reading your posts, dear friend.
Leslie J Watkins
Thank you, Tammy. I am so glad that we met and are following each other on this journey!
2023 has been a great year for me, and I know 2024 will be a year of continuous growth and success.
Leslie J Watkins
May 2024 be a wonderful year for you!