One Room Challenge-A New Bathroom Remodel
Long ago…before Covid…there was a bath…a master or primary bath next to our master bedroom. It was the FIRST of the many remodels needed that never got finished. When the One Room Challenge opened for the spring, I knew that it was time to jump in to committing to completing and sharing this bathroom remodel.
Do you have projects in your life that need a little nudge or encouragement to get them done? Perhaps those that need a cheerleader on the sidelines cheering you on?
If you do, then you are my new best friend. Please join me on the sidelines to cheer and yell and I’ll be cheering you on with yours, too.

The One Room Challenge is designed for those who need to complete a room that has been neglected, while being cheered by others in the same boat who need that encouragement to get it done!
The ORC is not a competition, but rather a celebration of creativity, inspiration, and original ideas.
So…I have joined with the promise of getting this bathroom remodel done in 8 weeks.
Read that One Room Challenge promise here and hold me accountable!
I am raising my right hand and repeating the pledge to FINISH this bathroom remodel.
So, for the next 8 weeks, I will be sharing progress on how this project and room is getting finished.
Can you support me in this Bathroom Remodel Project???
If so, I hope that you will raise your right hand to commit to cheering me on for the duration!
A bit of the history of the primary bathroom remodel…
Long before Covid, it was our plan to completely overhaul this bathroom. The list looked something like this:
- Double mirrors.
- Lighting replaced.
- New double vanity.
- Luxury vinyl flooring.
- A new commode.
- Shiplap, paint and vinyl wallpaper.
- Ceiling solution.
No. Small. Feat.
I really wanted a walk in shower…but, my husband continued to want the tub. That molded tub/shower removal is complicated in that it might require removing plumbing and a wall to update. Yikes! Not good news.
For that reason, discussion continues on that element of the project.
I’m still looking for a new standing tub to make me happy. He still wants to leave the tub/shower combo. Time will tell!
My Mood Board has evolved over the years.
It began with shiplap added to one wall. The reason? There were so many imperfections in the wall that this was an easy solution to remedy the problem.
Even though shiplap is losing is “luster” in the design world, it was a perfect solution to resolve the wall issues.
The luxury vinyl flooring choice changed when there was enough flooring left from the kitchen redo to fit the bill.

On the search for the double vanity, a gray painted double vanity was a great find.
TIP: This vanity was added to a dolly to easily move it during the transformation process.
In total disclosure…this vanity has been sitting on this dolly for hmmmmm….since we started in 2019…I know! Not the gorgeous entryway from the front door scene.
Do you realize now your importance in cheering me on to get this bathroom finished?

Removing the huge wall mirror with two individual mirrors was added to the mood board.
Making a decision on mixing metals brought me decisions about the hardware for the sinks. I’m still in the decision making process about faucets and lights with mixed metals in mind.
We were looking for a skirted elongated toilet, similar to what we used in the other bath project, and found the perfect choice.
The tour of the St. Jude’s Dream Home inspired me to look for different lighting choices. Can lights added to the ceiling over the tub would be included. Again, a discussion on hardware colors ensued.
It was on to the paint color and a wallpaper selection that may change as we finish!
You do realize in the last bathroom redo that we actually removed sheetrock because of the issue with getting wallpaper off the wall?!! Seriously.
So…peel and stick wallpaper may be the choice for this bathroom remodel…and only one wall…just sayin’!
Although, this may change over the coming weeks as this redo unveils, here’s my inspiration for the one room challenge.
Primary Bath Remodel Mood Board
Still in selection process…the mood board began with something like the featured photo.
New mirrors, vanity, flooring, wallpaper, lighting, paint, and toilet for starters.
This week we will still be shopping for the faucets, lighting and perhaps a new tub. A final decision on the wallpaper will need to be made, too. It keeps changing from prints and color variations!
That light may flip back to one with a glass shade, too. So. Many. Decisions.
Wish us luck!
In the meantime, join me next week for the jumping off point for the first step in the remodeling of this bathroom.
I’m attaching a few shopping affiliate links so if you love what I’m doing, you will know where to find items from this remodel. Shopping links mean it provides a tiny commission at no extra cost to you…we thank you in advance!

Final decisions are hard.
Trying to add color while keeping that small bathroom open and light is the challenge.
Meanwhile, the step by step plan keeps changing a bit on what requires “when” to do “what” before each part of this bathroom renovation! Goodness!
Don’t forget to follow along on Instagram @feetundermytable, @oneroomchallenge and @apartmenttherapy for more inspiration from others that are doing amazing one room challenge projects!
See you next week as we launch into the second week of “getting it done”!
Until then, thank you so much for joining me! Cheers in the comments would be so very appreciated!

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Linda Hart
I’m trying to get my mind right to replace my tub with a walk-in shower with seating… because old people need a safer way to shower! My remodels always come accompanied by angst !
Leslie J Watkins
I know. Our last bathroom remodel is a walk in with a corner seat…I really wanted a walk in shower with this new remodel, too. Resale seems to scream “tub in one bathroom needed”…ugh! So…for now the current tub stays. Not the rip out, redo I was longing for…but, we may replace it in the future.
This is beautiful, Leslie! And I love that we are both doing bathrooms for the ORC! (I also think we are using the same commode? lol!) What fun to do through this journey together. I love your mood board!
Leslie J Watkins
Thank you, Missy. Your colors always inspire me. Thank you for cheering me on! Except for the tub, this one is a messy overhaul! Plumbing should be finished with sheetrock going up today. Not looking forward to sheetrock dust everywhere AGAIN! Can’t wait to see your bathroom unfold…I’ll be waiting in your cheering section!
Vickie Ramey
You got this, sister! The problem you have is your mind is overflowing with creative juices so it’s hard for you to make final decisions on things. However, by giving yourself a deadline, you will be forced to make decisions more quickly! And if you have any problem, just ask me to make a choice between two things and then you choose the opposite! Then you’ll know you’ve made the most beautiful choice!! LOL!!
Leslie J Watkins
You are too funny! You ALWAYS make beautiful choices! Picking up the wallpaper today…let’s hope it’s loved!
Leslie I almost burst out laughing when I saw the vanity on the dolly…because we have one on a dolly too and it has been that way since we started building which was in 2018 or 2017!!! Hahaha! Go Leslie Go!!! I know you can do this and I love your mood board. It is going to look fantastic.
Leslie J Watkins
Oh, I can’t tell you how happy that makes my heart! Your gorgeous home can’t have a dolly! That’s hilarious!!! Thank you so much for cheering me on– My husband has done all of the manual labor so far…pray it all goes well!!! hahaha
Angela W. Wilson
This article on “One Room Challenge – A New Bathroom Remodel” is informative and inspiring. It covers the essential aspects of renovating a bathroom, offering practical tips and ideas. The step-by-step approach helps readers grasp the remodeling process easily. It’s a great guide for anyone considering a bathroom upgrade, making the task seem less daunting and more achievable.
Leslie J Watkins
Thank you! That means so much!
Lisa N. Green
The “One Room Challenge – A New Bathroom Remodel” blog is a true gem! It’s a captivating journey through a stunning bathroom transformation. The blog’s vivid descriptions and insightful tips make it an inspiring read for anyone considering a remodel. I’m already feeling motivated to start my own project!
Leslie J Watkins
Thank you so much! Glad I could help motivate!