13 Ways of Wellness for Spring
Are you looking for wellness among the newness of spring? I’m not sure about you…but, the new leaves, pollen, and beauty of spring often cause me to combat allergies and spring illness. Today, I’m sharing my favorite ways to add wellness this time of year.
Ways of wellness during the spring- here we go!
1. Adventure walks
Do you have a clue what I am talking about?
What’s an adventure walk? It’s where you drive to a different neighborhood that invites you in, park your car and walk there.
We have made these walks for years and many people have stopped and asked if we have moved or had conversations with us along the way.
What do these have to do with wellness? If you have difficulty walking on a treadmill or just love to walk in neighborhoods and get the feel of the land…these are perfect. Those neighborhoods draw you in and you experience the sights and sounds of that neighborhood.

Our favorite time to do these walks is late afternoon right before or after dinner while there is still light for safety and visibility.
They are simply a great way to be active and enjoy the experience. We highly recommend it!
If walking paths are available in your area, seek those trails out and find one that appeals to you. We have walking paths through the Shawnee National Park close to us and also around Kentucky Lake.
Locally we have paths that wander through woods and by the river to enjoy.
You choose what you love, but walking is both stress reducing and energizing. A great way to wellness to begin spring!
2. Drinking Water
I know. This is difficult for those who have a job where time to run back and forth to the bathroom isn’t the easiest.
Understand that completely after teaching for over 30 years. Bathroom breaks were virtually non existent so neither was drinking much of anything during the day.
But, that leads to dehydration, headaches, and your body not being able to flush impurities out.
There are SOOOOO many great reasons for including more water in your day.
The morning coffee is always present; but, the majority of my liquid intake is water.
If you need a guideline to have when knowing how much is good for you…I have always followed the half your body weight in ounces of water. More can flush out good resources of water soluble vitamins and minerals from your body. Find your healthy balance for hydration. Another tip is that carbonated beverages and sodas will actually dehydrate you, so don’t substitute those ounces for water in the hydration formula.
3. Rest
How are you in the resting and sleep department? I have a friend who has a time of “pause” after lunch each day and friends who actually make themselves take a nap daily because of health concerns that make everything better.
Reminding yourself to rest and even plan for a good night’s sleep is often a challenge–at least it is for me. It’s a wellness habit great for spring or any time of year.
Night owl has always been my label; but, as I have grown older, the bed calls to me sooner.
If you have little ones, try to nap and sleep when they do. I didn’t always do that, but thought if I could just get done things while they were asleep more things could get accomplished. The prolonged loss of sleep will catch up on you.
All of us require different amounts of sleep, but plan for quality sleep where you actually rest. Removing screens at bedtime, for me caffeine after 3 pm and a shower are all ways of winding down to actually go right to sleep. Reading puts me to sleep, too. Does that work for you?
4. Spring Cleaning
Spring cleaning actually came about when weather allowed for homes to be opened, aired out and sweeping things to the outdoors. With better living conditions, we no longer have to haul rugs out to be beaten or the host of other things that spring cleaning meant.
So, what does spring cleaning have to do with ways of wellness in the spring? If you are like me, a deep clean just helps with all of the allergens that find their way into the HVAC system that aren’t removed by the air filters.
My experience with spring cleaning began with the fire restoration which was another world of deep cleaning.
Perhaps it’s just an emotional feeling to see windows washed, cabinets cleaned, floors scrubbed, and go beyond the basic weekly cleaning that we do during the winter months…and I’ll take the emotional “high” that a clean and organized gives our mental well being.
Keeping that one on my list of ways to wellness this spring!

5. Give yourself time to pause.
What’s the difference between resting and pausing?
For me, it’s moving my mind away from things that produce stress or concern.
It’s a time where I can focus on what’s important, take a step back and view life from a refreshed and balanced perspective.
Do you ever allow yourself time to pause?
Maybe a time to be quiet, still, focus, breathe, think, pray and listen? If you need more on how to navigate that in your life, you can read what I shared about my experience with pause.
A pause isn’t necessarily an “escape” as much as it is a refocus exercise.
Try it–it may be a perfect method for your wellness this spring.
6. Clean the air.
Air cleaner, you say? Air purifier…hepa filter, maybe?
Can I share with you a tried and true product that has been a part of our clean air routine for over 35 years.
It began with an allergist visit to Vanderbilt with our youngest when he was three. Severe allergies caused him to have four sets of tubes in his ears and a constant issue with breathing.
Guess what the allergist prescribed?
A rainbow vacuum cleaner. Never had we heard of it before, but he sent us to a salesman and off we went with an expensive piece of equipment that helped with all of our allergy issues.
A rainbow vacuum cleaner doesn’t have the bag or an outtake to blow dirt and dust back into the room as you vacuum. The machine has a reservoir of water that collects the dust. In our research we found that NASA and safe rooms require Rainbow vacuum cleaners in operation. They rid the air of so many allergens, dust, dirt and even have a product that is used in hospitals to clean the air.
If you are interested in improving the quality of air and life in your home, message me. I’ll be glad to help connect you with someone to show you the product, answer questions or help you earn one free. Here’s the website for those who want to learn more.
7. Find natural remedies for spring wellness.
If you are one who suffers from spring allergies, I’m raising my hand with you over here.
Sinus issues and sore throats have been in my history, but I have found products that have helped in recent years. Here’s some natural remedies that might help:
- Emergen C– Anytime I feel sinus issues or fatigue, a couple of packages of this product in a bottle of water usually fixes it. A wonderful mix of vitamins to boost my immune system that always helps.

- 4 Life products– If you aren’t aware of this amazing company, we began using their Classic 4 Life factor before Covid. My husband and I both are extremely allergic to cats and after we began the regime noticed a HUGE difference with no steroids or pharmaceuticals required after an encounter. Their products work to boost your immune system and at times we have wondered, “why are we taking these again?”, only to recognize the vast improvement in staying well and not needing rounds of drugs over the past few years. If you are interested, here’s my link.

As noted in the Physician’s Desk Reference…

- Vitamins– What does your body need? Research what vitamins might improve your health. If you are like me…spring pollen seems to just make me want to sleep and NO one has time for that with so much life all around, right?
- Health supplements– Research issues that you are having and look for natural products that might improve them. For me, prescriptions from my rheumatologist were like throwing marshmallows at my symptoms. After researching products, this one worked for my symptoms. Pricey, but removes issues and symptoms that I was experiencing.
- Local honey– Honey will provide you with natural pollen to build up immunity to local allergens if you buy one from a local beekeeper. A natural “antibiotic” honey has amazing qualities that is so easy to enjoy.
8. New ways of moving outdoors always makes spring wellness better.
- We have lots of bicycle riding groups in our area. If you’d like to join one, find a great bike store and I am sure that they can connect with you with one that you’ll love.
- Kayaking is really popular in our area and there are classes and groups and rentals available here. Seek those out if you are adventurous. I have sat on the sidelines and watched these guys, and boy, do they look like they are having fun.

- Our less adventurous side takes us to a recreational activity that allows us a bit of stress release with perhaps a little less movement, but, so valuable for spring. Although we don’t feel the need to
“own” a boat, we love to rent a pontoon boat in an area I grew up in to view the scenery from the water. The town where my family home was moved, recreational spots, the “castle on the hill” penitentiary are all amazing from the water. If you are adventurous, try out another boat–water skiing, bass boat fishing, sail boat riding, all have their benefits.
9. Camping and Recreational Areas
Are you the camping type? or RV lover? You go!
We were campers when our kids were growing up.
Like many others, we contemplated buying an RV camper during Covid so that traveling for work and rest would be an option. We chose against that purchase, but many of our friends and family have found weekends and weekend respite in their decision to own one.
- Camping gives more opportunity for walking paths and outdoor activities, such as, walking along lakes and waterfalls here. Seek those areas out that appeal to you!

- Seek out recreational areas that are fun for the family. When our kids were in last summer, we had the best time at an outdoor area riding go carts, playing chess and corn hole and even riding a golf cart through a petting zoo. If you have a zoo in your area, they make for a great visit in the spring when the paths are cooler and less crowded.

10. Plan for Picnics
Now…perhaps, we are more prone to picnics. Random, spontaneous or planned…they bring joy to our heart.

While you are at it…make sure that things you are beginning to add to your food choices are fresh veggies and fruits that provide more healthy diet.
11. Enjoy Favorite Activities
Find the activities in your life that bring you joy. For my son and his family, it’s always sharing a game together.

For me, it’s gardening. Zinnias, herbs, and food preservation are always my favorite enjoyable activities.

You know I am all about preparing food and having feet under my table, too–right?

My husband has to have creative DIY projects. He’s the king of that. You may remember the plate rack, spice organizer, and the dining room table to mention a few.

11. Special dates with your spouse or friends
Set time to gather with others for great conversation, food, and sharing life with one another. A bit of laughter is also a great stress reducer and, according to research, lengthens life.
Go for it!
Whether celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, or just life together, add it to your calendar.

12. Travel close to home.
Do you love to wander to favorite spots close to home? Perhaps a few hours to places that provide inspiration and rest?
I’m with you!

13. Breathe!
One final note….just BREATHE! Take three deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth to help reduce stress.

It makes a world of difference and is so helpful to add to your way of relaxing. Who knew it could help?
So, what’s your favorite way to wellness this spring?
I’d love to know in the comments.
Just remember this spring to make active choices to be healthy–whether in food choices, activities or simply leaning in to relaxing.
ENJOY SPRING, friends!
And then share what ways of wellness work well for you.
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Love your ideas. I’m taking a deep breath right now!
Leslie J Watkins
Thank you, Tracey. I always forget to breathe…and I am learning to pause. So much wellness in both. Have a great day, friend!
Vickie Ramey
Although daily rest has been around our home for years,!drinking lots of water and deep breathing are not my usual activities, but spring has sprung so I’ll take on the challenge!
Leslie J Watkins
I love you, sweet sister.
Such a great post. I like the idea of going some place different to walk.
My hardest thing is to pause.
Pinned to my health and wellness board.
Leslie J Watkins
Thank you, Cindy. I think this was truly a reminder to myself to do all of those things for wellness…maybe not kayaking! but, finding places that bring me joy. Hope you find those, too, sweet friend.