My Favorite Family Photo Wreath
Many years ago, I signed up for a Family Photo Wreath class at a grand opening of a new art studio in town. The studio was owned by the wife of of a dear friend. She brought in her family to teach classes for the weekend grand opening.
Now, everyone knew how gifted she was. Her family were equally talented in their own unique ways. I was so excited for the class.
The one for the family photo wreath.

I knew the teacher was the studio owner’s sister. Other siblings were teaching other classes during the weekend, but this was the class that I was drawn to take.
I had purchased other gifts made by this artist’s sister before.

Stamped silverware. Garden stakes. Lots of cute handmade things that caught my eye when I took classes from her sister in the smaller studio.
When I signed up, I was given directions. To bring in photographs for the wreath. I chose black and white copies. Specifics were given to make sure that the photographs were printed in sizes to fit into the frames that would be provided.
When I arrived on that Saturday morning, there was a table set up in the area in the front of the studio for the photo frame wreath class. I found a spot and sat down waiting for the class to begin.
In front of each seat was a grapevine wreath and a box.
I loved the box.
It had a sticker on the front with the logo for Thistlewood Farms on the outside. What a beautiful logo.

The contents were wrapped in a beautiful silver striped tissue with a monogram seal and lots of white fluff to protect it’s contents when opened.

Inside was an assortment of little silver picture frames, covered floral wire, and a sweet photo card that gave directions on how to make the photo wreath. It was exquisite.

The teacher arrived.
She was soooo bubbly; full of life; and possessed a magnetism that drew you in.
Her instructions began. I pulled out my black and white photographs of my kids and grandchildren and began to follow her instructions. I laid out the photos to match those little silver frames and began to snip and insert and lay out and fiddle with arrangement.

We took those green covered floral wires and added those to the back of the frames and began to lay and overlay our photos on the grapevine creating the design that we liked. Then, when happy with our design, we twisted those wires to attach each photo. It was so easy, creative and beautiful when finished.
Now, she giggled and talked and encouraged us and moved around the room assisting and entertaining as she went.
And then she stopped by me.
She began the conversation by telling me how excited she was…she was heading to New York that week to meet Brooke Shields. Goodness! What on earth did this women do for a living??? So, I asked.
That’s when it happened. She looked at me and said,
“I’m a blogger; and so, are you.”
I answered, “but, you just met me. How do you know that?” She looked at me and said, “because of how you are making your wreath.”
Our conversation went on to explain the meeting in New York. What she did in blogging. But, she repeated it again.
You are a blogger.
I made note of her blog site. And began to follow her journey. For years I have followed her blog. Celebrated book launches with her. Gone to her home for open houses. Joined her Mastermind group.
She never gave up on me.
If I met her anywhere–at a conference or lunch or a presentation or a book signing, her first words to me were, “have you hit publish?” She has been my encourager and has believed in me far more than I have believed in myself at times.
So often, her confirmation of what God had already birthed in my heart were poignant and timely.
She still encourages me.
Pushes me to do things outside of my comfort zone; but, I know that I need to do.
Do you have someone in your life like this friend?
If you aren’t following her, please do at—Thistlewood Farms. You can still find her amazing photo wreath creation in her thousands of projects here.
As I took this photo frame wreath off of my wall recently to add more pictures of my grandchildren, I realized this was a creation from the heart. A creation that truly has impacted me and will continue in the future.
What a great gift idea! For retirement, weddings, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas, birthdays…and I bought another box for my daughter in laws, because giving is my thing.

And, if you want to create your story or perhaps for a gift for others…here’s what you will need:
I’m attaching links for your convenience to help you create your personal story. These cost no more to you, but may help the blog as an Amazon affiliate. See my disclosure policy.
This is such a special addition to my home. It has graced so many walls in so many ways. It has been in groupings; had a burlap wreath behind; been centered on a tobacco basket; hung on a chalkboard. Do you get it’s versatility?
This photo wreath will always be a special focal point in my home.
It will speak boldly to me of not just the wonderful images that reflect my family; but, of this wonderful memory of this encouraging friend.
I’m sure that she has no clue of the impact that that class and this project had on me. Or that this precious wreath is a wonderful reminder on my wall.
But, isn’t that like all of us?
What we say or do. Things we have done or said in the course of our day that impact others. I am hoping my impact is for good.
That I might repeat that lesson in that studio many years ago. Perhaps speak into the lives of others in such a way that they leave encouraged and ignited to be all that they can be and who they were created to be. To applaud their successes. And cheer from the sidelines. Thanks, KariAnne, for being my cheerleader.

Join my blogging friends who are sharing their projects today. Follow at Sydney’s blog!
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Aw, so this is what you were referring to on that zoom call. It’s so beautiful and personal. I love Kari Anne’s attention to detail, I’m a sucker for tissue and stickers. Lovely post. XO
Leslie J Watkins
The interesting thing is that I have kept that sweet box from that project for years. Who knew I’d need it for this? Just loved that memory too much to part with it! Thank you for sharing in this with me, friend!
Vickie Ramey
I never knew the story behind the frames. So glad you have such an encourager in your life to challenge and inspire you to share with others. Your talents and creativity are continuing-no longer in the classroom, but still teaching, nonetheless! Love it!
Leslie J Watkins
I love you, sweet sister! You are the balcony person in my life!!
What a lovely post. I so enjoyed reading it. Also, a wonderful craft idea. I do a “family tree” christmas tree that I fill with picture frames of my family. It’s my favorite each year.
Blessings to you.
Leslie J Watkins
Oh, Renae! Read my post on our family photo Christmas tree. A sharing of that post by a sweet friend led to my Vue magazine writing…thanks so much for your sweet comments!
Wow! I just read your bio. AMAZING! I just want to grab a cup of tea together and talk about all things that make our hearts sing. Bleasings to you.
Leslie J Watkins
Awwww! How I would love to have your feet under my table right now with my first cup of coffee and conversation! Thank you for following!
Vickie Young
What a great post! How exciting that you met KariAnn years ago yet her words kept coming up in your heart! I want to be an encourager like that, too!!!
Leslie J Watkins
Thank you, Vickie! My introduction to the world of KariAnne! Don’t we all want to be an encourager?!!
Sydney Dawson (Sydney and Co.)
I love this so much! That wreath is so dang perfect.
Leslie J Watkins
Thanks, Sydney! It captured so many family memories when I made it and that experience of creating it, priceless!
Jennifer Howard
Oh Leslie, This is the best story!!! What a bit of serendipity that KariAnne and yourself crossed paths!! Just so cool!
Leslie J Watkins
Thank you, Jennifer! I had bought her sweet creations for years at her sister’s art studio so I knew of her; but, not met her until that day. So many journeys together from that point on!
Kimberly Jones Snyder
How special, Leslie! I love how you weaved the story about KariAnne into your post! Your wreath looks amazing!
Leslie J Watkins
Thanks so much! It was a heart creation from beginning to end…that still continues to tug on my heart!
Jennifer Dynys
This gave me chills! It is so true about KariAnne! I started blogging about 2 years ago. She came out of nowhere it seemed and just came alongside me…encouraging, challenging, and helping me! What a gift! Your wreath and your blog are just lovely!
Leslie J Watkins
That is so like her. She weaves her way into our lives and is so impactful in the most unsuspecting of ways. Thank you for your sweet comments. That wreath speaks so much sentiment in each tiny photo and the day of its creation.
Oh Leslie, what a beautiful post. I absolutely love it and this gorgeous wreath. What an amazing story!
I have been following her along time. I love her book “So Close to Amazing”. I hope someday to meet her in person. Her bubbly personality is so uplifting.
Leslie J Watkins
Thank you, Tammy. That wreath is just so special. From those tiny photos to the memory of its beginnings, I’m sure it will always be displayed somewhere in my home.
Oh my goodness, Karianne was absoultely right, YOU ARE AMAZIING. I love this story, you are an amazing storyteller and this post made me feel as if I was sitting right there with you as you attended the class and made this wondeful wreath. I cannot wait to follow along on your blogginf adventure. P.S. So happy the ads worked!
Leslie J Watkins
Elizabeth, thank you so much for your sweet words. I’m so glad you are on this journey with me. AND, YOU ARE AMAZING! Those ads are the perfect way to share all the details. I cannot thank you enough!
I am almost crying! What a beautiful post! You are an amazing story teller and an amazing blogger.
But then?
I already knew that!
Happy day amazing friend!
Leslie J Watkins
That day is so etched in my memory. I can still feel and hear that moment. Thank you, friend, for being all that you are and speaking into so many lives. It doesn’t go unnoticed. Love your heart and your impact, Leslie
I loved every side of this story. Such wonderful memories and connections!
Leslie J Watkins
Thank you, sweetie. That wreath brings such sentimental meaning to each tiny black and white photo that’s framed. But, then I come back to the memory of its creation, and I am taken back to each moment and word of that encounter. I’m sure you have many memories like that, too, friend…right?!
What an amazing story! I don’t know how KariAnne does it all. The wreath is lovely. Happy to join you in the Show Us Your Heart challenge! Thanks for sharing some of your heart 🙂
Leslie J Watkins
Marie, thank you so much for your kind words. I am loving joining you on this journey!
Laurie Clayton
I love this wreath and it can be out all year! I have a wreath I’m going to do this with! Thanks for sharing!
Leslie J Watkins
Thank you! I haven’t been able to take it down since I made it years ago. It has been hung just as the grapevine wreath and topped a burlap wreath and now on the magnolia one. It has been moved SOOOO many places. It always brings me joy to have captured that moment in family history and that class. Enjoy making one. And what an amazing gift idea for so many events—from Christmas, Mother’s Day, retirement! I can’t wait to see what yours looks like!
Sue at Blu
You are a wonderful storyteller…just like KariAnne! Lovely wreath!
Leslie J Watkins
You are too kind, friend! I am so glad that you liked the wreath…inspired by the leader! Happy weekend!