5 Ways to Meal Prep for the Week
For those of you who shop and plan for meals and meal prep for the week, here's a few ideas to make life easier along the way. Whether you are meal prepping for school lunches or working from home or…
How to Enjoy a Gift that Keeps On Giving
Have you ever received a gift that you felt was a "forever gift"? A gift that keeps giving? Like a tree that some one planted that as it grows, you remember the giver? Or jewelry that is reminiscent of the…
Modern Girl Moses
It all starts out well and good until you feel you are not capable of doing what you know in your heart what you are designed to do...
How are You Handling the Seasons in Your Life?
Seasons- oh, how I love you. I’m an appreciator of seasons. When someone asks what season is my favorite, I have such difficulty answering because I love parts of them all. I love fall smells, the change of fall color…
Crazy Biscuits
I'm sure many of you have heard of Sprite biscuits...but, just in case a few of you have missed it...or left it behind for sourdough...I thought I would share. A friend began calling these "Crazy Biscuits". And hence, the name…
Happy 4th of July!
Happy 4th! sharing favorite recipes to add to your 4th of July table!
Being Treasured- Unconditional Love
Have you had someone in your life who was your cheerleader? Who truly loved you with unconditional love? Someone who has made you feel treasured?
Beyond A Mother’s Life
A reflective post of thoughts of motherhood shared for those who may struggle with the loss of their mothers.
When Will You Be Gathered Here?
Is being gathered together with feet under a table for deep thought, conversation, laughter, and food important to you?