Life,  Table Talk

How are You Handling the Seasons in Your Life?

Seasons- oh, how I love you. I’m an appreciator of seasons. When someone asks what season is my favorite, I have such difficulty answering because I love parts of them all. I love fall smells, the change of fall color in the landscape, campfires and crisp, cool nights. I love winter and snow and Christmas…and when I am about finished with the cold weather and grayness…spring enters with the magical season of new life, green lawns, birds, beauty, flowers and warmth. And then I am ready for summer. Family picnics, water fun, longer warm days, sunlight, lawn mowing, flowers and gardens.

But…then seasons always call for change…

Right? About the time we get comfortable and used to the season we are in, things shift a bit. And there’s an uncomfortable change in routine. In thoughts. In activities that prepare us for the next season.

I love spring when things are planted and new growth appears to spring forth. I love the newness, but often the planting simply leaves a longing for the bounty that we anticipate.

But, now in the middle of the summer harvest, my heart is happy. Canning green beans and tomatoes and tomato juice and jams…and freezing corn and fruits…I am in the middle of my happy place.

And there are changes with the wild life around me. With hummingbirds and deer. New babies born and older ones to show them the ropes.

And, isn’t that truly a reflection of our lives?

Learning from older, wiser ones and then passing our experience on to younger ones? I love conversations around our table about chocolate mint tea with the little ones who share that with me. Or watch excitedly as the baby deer come closer to us in the yard.

And then when the humidity and heat become oppressive and overwhelming, I am so ready for fall beauty, smells, firepits and a season of gratefulness that ushers in Thanksgiving and then Christmas!

See what I mean?

I love where we live because there are always seasons full of beauty and great change and not feeling each would be greatly difficult.

But what it also speaks to me are how reflective these seasons are to our lives, as well. I’m learning that those things I have loved and committed myself to through my life have always changed with the seasons of my life…in physical activities, jobs, interests, and of course, how I view life.

I love the changes and although those seasons are often difficult, I learn new facets of how I was created and designed that give me confidence to step out in some ways and quite happy to stand back in other ways.

Cherish where you are and recognize each season for its full bounty and beauty.

Don’t we all wish we could do that?

I’m thankful for my love and understanding of cooking throughout my life that’s helping me adapt for healthier meals for us now during this summer season.

I’m thankful for so many creative outlets that I have had throughout different seasons of my life that bring me knowledge and joy today.

I am so thankful for the relationships with loved ones and friends and my seasons with the love of my life that have simply grown in volume and love.

And I’m thankful for those feet that will be under my table to share a meal. A conversation. A moment. And life.

Be thankful for the season you are in today, friend. And grateful for what you have learned in past seasons.

And just to let you know that seasons seem to be a highlight now, this sweet series appeared in my reading list.

This is the first book in the series… “Growing Season”.

A sweet story of seasons and what really matters. Of moving through seasons and staying true to yourself. You can order it here.

You may be in a planting time of spring with new beginnings. Or in a fall time of your life, where you are thankful of all the bounty and harvest of blessings.

But many may be in a winter season. Where grayness and bleakness seems endless and hints of life are quiet and hidden from view. Where things seem lifeless. That season can often be the hardest. Emotionally. Spiritually. To be still and wait. Please know in your heart that this season will pass. And believing that this season will pass can be a true challenge.

For me, I’m in a summer season of my life in many ways. Taking opportunities for growth and tucking away sweet things for the future. But the busyness of this season can be a bit overwhelming.

See? with each season comes the blessings, if we will look…but there are hurdles and obstacles to leap through with each season.

May I share one nugget at the table today that I have recently pondered?

Don’t stay too long in one season that you miss out on the joys of the next one. Recognize and anticipate when they are changing so that you may gracefully and with much joy enter the next one!


  • Vickie

    My sweet sister, how your words express my feelings as I start my new season. Sadness that one season has ended, excited for what the next season holds, and holding tight to the memories of seasons past.

  • Vickie Ramey

    My sweet sister, your words express my feelings as I begin the next season of my life. Sadness for the season that I’m leaving, excitement for the next season, and clinging to the memories of seasons past. Thank you.

    • Cindy

      This is a beautiful post. So well written and thought out.

      I like you love that I love living in a place that has seasons. It’s a true gift to see nature and things change.

      Honestly, I’m a cool season lover. That being said I love seeing the flowers blooming, multiplying and beauty.

      Seeing the birds and bees do their thing. So silky but we love seeing our pups love the different seasons.

      It’s a gift.

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