Life,  Table Talk

Modern Girl Moses

Do you ever have an epiphany or an analogy for what’s happening in your life? It happens to me all of the time. Little nuggets that I think God gives me in my quiet time with Him and then at other times when just out of the blue, I know I need to listen.

Well, that happened today. I was minding my own business. Thinking, praying, contemplating as I happily rode my lawn mower/prayer mobile.

The phrase “modern girl Moses” dropped in. I have had this analogy for a while. Here I am writing to you on this blog, and if I can get real here, I feel like Moses.

If you have heard many Bible stories, it all starts out as a wonderful story. Baby Moses gets rescued from the basket in the water and Pharoah’s daughter raised him.

It all starts well and good…

until God calls Moses to do something that he feels he is not capable of doing. Have you ever felt that way? Not capable of doing what you know in your heart you were designed to do. He stuttered. Yet he was to called to lead. He was reluctant. He didn’t feel qualified. Yep.. anyone else have that feeling? That “why me” paralysis?

That’s where the modern girl Moses story picks up for me. Although I am struggling over here in technology land…I am hanging in there. Why? because I know that in my heart of hearts, I have to do this. I have had friends, family and even mere acquaintances confirm this design for my life. And when I kick and scream? I remember that I simply have to trust and hang in there. Take baby steps. Breathe. Pray a little more. Take risks. Dip my toes in the water. And share, like today, what I know I need to when I need to. That’s all. Right?

I have many uncharted territories in my life that I wondered why me. Have you had those? Oh, let’s write a federal grant. Okay. It made it. Many national level roles…What? Me? yep. All landed in my lap. And with each hurdle came the overwhelming feeling of, “Seriously, you want ME to do this? I just was faithful to do what I knew I needed to do. And seriously, I have learned the why of each Moses moment. Or in some cases, perhaps an Esther moment which is a story for another day!

Just a reminder : IGBOK – It’s gonna be o.k.

So, for today. What is your Moses moment?

For me, that moment of “Who me?” that makes me want to bolt, really means I have to have the faith to do what I know I have to. And at times, that difficulty is like many other things in life that bring about beauty and great results. Why? because you were the one that was created and designed to perform it. Yikes! Scary thought, right?

What do you know in your heart that you have to do. If it’s met with difficulties, keep going. Move forward. Pray through it all.

And most of all, stay true to who you are designed and created to be. That’s all that’s required really. Not to be anyone else. Just be yourself. I’m going to say this again…JUST BE YOURSELF. Just how you were made and gifted is all that’s needed.

So, meanwhile, this modern girl Moses will be working on technology, issues that require much thought and prayer, and being faithful to do what I know I must do.

I hope you’ll ponder your design. And then follow what you know in your heart you have to do. Seriously, God will provide everything you need to accomplish what you are designed to do.

Even in those Moses Girl times…

With much love and prayers for the walk,



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