picture of the book, Trying, by Kobi Yamada
Life,  Table Talk

Trying- The Only Way You Will Know Possibilities

Some of my most favorite books are authored by Kobi Yamada and this one that I found a few months ago is just simply one of my favorite books. You know why? The message is perfect—no matter what age. The message is perfect for my 10 year old granddaughter…my friend’s son graduating high school or daughter graduating college. It’s a sweet gift for someone beginning a new business…or those in businesses that somehow require “trying”.

“Trying” is a story for everyone of us…

You see…we have all felt like a beginner or worried we shouldn’t try or had doubts or even at times felt we weren’t good enough.

So…at all ages we go through this.

As the cover says, ” It’s a story for those who have experienced the pain of trying something new and not having it turn out as they had hoped…because at some point in our lives we will all fail.”


Can’t you see this being a great conversation for those kids – large or small- trying out for a new sports team? entering a new college? accepting a new job? or even relocating to a new place?

It’s scary…all of those times of “trying” are.

So–how do we begin “trying”?

“You just simply do it.”

Simply put…in the middle of “I could never do that”…to answer the…”but, how will you know?” question was the “you just simply do it.”

Hmmmmm…..how many of us have experienced that?

It leaves us with the thought…”I wonder what would happen if I tried”…right?

The book takes the boy to a “sculptor” and the boy just simply wants to watch.

Goodness! I can relate. Can you? So often, I am comfortable on those sidelines watching someone else create…reading someone else’s words…enjoying someone else’s talents. Are you like that, too?

Often times we simply feel like we will mess things up if we “try”.

The sculptor’s response was simply that …”if you do nothing , it feels safe”.


It reminds me of the story of the talents…how are we doing in giving opportunity for our talents to multiply if we hide them…ouch.

But, guess what friends? The sculptor also said, “If you do nothing, there is less to experience, less to love, and less to learn.”

Trying also brings us to the “fear of failing”.

That truly is the scariest part, isn’t it? And that’s what stops most people from ever starting with that dream or where they want to go.

As the boy journeys through this book, he worked his way up to being excited about starting…and then Kobi weaves the story of how the doubt and disappointment sets in.

The boy visits the sculptor again, and a discussion ensues over wanting to quit because “disappointment hurts”.

I LOVE the sculptor’s response…”but failure is temporary, and in many ways, necessary. It shows us how something can’t be done, which means we are a little closer to finding out how it can.”

The book guides the reader through how to work through failure and trying again and again.

Isn’t that reminder something that all of us need to know?

A perfect reminder of keeping on and trying and making progress.

It reminds us that we need to take risks, see our talents and see courage, caring and perseverance develop along the way.

Isn’t that what we all want for our children? or loved ones? and even ourselves?

The sweet guidance and conversations between the boy and the sculptor are precious and a great reminder to us all that “each time we fail, we get a little smarter, a little braver, a little stronger.”

What a great lesson to us all.

As the author says,

” The truth is, we are all failures. The dreamers, the doers, the creators…Being a failure means you loved something. You cared. It means you stepped forward, you didn’t hold back, you tried.—When we make it safe to fail, we make it safe to succeed.”

“Trying” – Kobi Yamada

As you look for gifts to inspire, help and just bless someone…this is the perfect gift to be giving this year. Kobi’s books are always my favorite and I have shared others of his here before.

Many of his books are my favorite.

I hope that I have helped inspire you to add more books to your library or gift for others…honestly, I have copies of many of these that I pull out and read and reread as a perfect reminder for so many challenges in life.

I’d suggest you just order the book…or books…

Hold onto it for the perfect opportunity when someone needs it…to read or receive as a gift.

Perhaps just reading it at various points in your own life will help resonate in conversations to yourself or others.

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