Happy Saturday on this July 4th holiday weekend!
Isn’t there something glorious about a long holiday weekend? July 4th holiday extended has to be a favorite.
We had the BEST fireworks on Paducah’s riverfront on the fourth! Even though all of our family had left for other destinations this weekend, I still made the traditional potato salad. Friends dropping by enjoyed and took a stash home with them which made my heart feel better.
What are you cooking this holiday weekend?
Along with the potato salad, there was BBQ chicken and ribs, baked beans, the most divine summer chicken salad for next month’s VUE magazine…be watching! My taste tester friend and I are in love with it!
And then? Do you remember that no churn vanilla ice cream that I shared last year for the VUE magazine recipes? If you missed it…here’s the basic recipe.

For the July 4th holiday weekend menu? I created a chocolate version…oh. my. goodness. I’ll share it as soon as the magazine releases in a few weeks. Here’s a sneak peak!

We have been in heaven eating them!
Today I’m headed back the green bean garden to pick more for canning them. Always a favorite part of summer! There will be a pot of fresh green beans cooked, too. My husband will be sooooo happy.
How is the weather where you are? Thankful for friends marking them safe after Hurricane Beryl hit this week. Hopefully rain and winds will not be as bad for those of you in the current predicted track of the remaining system. Hopefully sunshine and great weather will last through the rest of your holiday weekend.
Do you need more recipes for the remainder of the July 4th weekend?
Here are some of my favorites:

What’s on your agenda next week?
With all of the beautiful corn coming in at Farmer’s Markets and local farms, I think this will be the week to add some to my freezer. Do you freeze fresh corn? Here’s how I do it here.

And there may be more sweet pickle relish added to the pantry. If you need a recipe, just click here. It was the perfect addition to my potato salad this week.

There’s tomato juice in my future, too. Our favorite to add to soups and chili all winter long.

So much to add to the pantry…where do I begin?!!
And? Fairy Garden class last week!
Last week, our local horticulture extension team hosted their annual fairy garden event. Oh, how very fun it was! Free, fun and lots of new people to meet. There was a waiting list…just saying it’s that popular here.
Here’s last year’s fairy garden:

Want to see this week’s fairy garden? It’s being watered here until the great nieces get home from Florida tomorrow so I can deliver it as a new addition to their fairy garden…
Here’s this year’s result…

No fairies could be found among the accessories, but they all loved the birds, duck and can you see the little squirrel tucked in?
The plants were struggling with this year’s offerings, so they will move next year’s event back earlier.
Check out your local extension for any free classes that you might love. They have even had canning classes offered this summer. I was out of town, but I may need to join next year in all the fun.
If you have littles in your life who would love this activity, please do it with them.
A few more ideas before you leave that I found on the web…
- some great summer wreath ideas.
- look how cute this burger bar is.
- things not helping your home stay clean during summer.
- this garden bruschetta.
Happy rest of your July 4th weekend, friends! May your tummies and hearts be full and happy!
Thanks for joining me here,

Happy Planning for July 4th!
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Martha Wallace
I love the fourth of July, my grandmother’s birthday! The tuna sandwiches may be my favorite recipe, but I’ve never made it for the 4th! Maybe I should try!
Leslie J Watkins
Those sandwiches are perfect for any holiday or time! Right?