Trays- Holding the BEST things in Life!
Have I told you how much I love trays?
Any kind of trays.
All kinds. From beautiful heirloom trays to IKEA plastic…
Now, did you get a hint when I created a footed one?
If you have followed along with social media recently, you may have seen that I attended an amazing conference for bloggers. Dear friends that as we gathered– conversations, life, and meals were shared with feet under tables together. As I began helping to clear tables from a gathering one evening, there were trays that were the “holders of things” left on the table.
Beautiful trays gifted to our group by Lamps Plus. And one was gifted to me.
Now, the person who gave it to me, had NO clue how important that that gift was to me.

You see, my first written post in my blogging journal was about trays. The words similar to what I am sharing now as you read. How appropriate that this gift was a new one to treasure and hold dear. You see…
I love trays.
To decorate on a table for purposes that are functional…to serving and hospitality…to sitting on the back porch bearing my coffee mug and a plate.

Or a tray bearing a cup of English tea…trays, come take me away.

A serving tray is the first thing I pick up when I reorganize, gift wrap or craft.

They are the first thing that I touch in a beautiful antique shop.

Trays even have shown up at my picnics!

My husband, on the other hand, NEVER understands my need for them. Perhaps as a tray for dinner moved?…but, not the magnitude or volume of love I have for them.
They are simply workhorses that have never quite received the awards or accolades they deserve.
They are simply holders.
Holders of beauty…of food…

or hospitality

and guest room welcomes…

at times, of sick room remedies…
and memories.

Like many of us, we hold things inside that need to be shared and loved and treasured.
What are you holding that we all need?
I wonder…
So–here’s to you, trays–an award for holding.
Now see if we can all work on the award for giving away what we are holding.

And if you need more trays in your life…
Here are a few.
As an Amazon Affiliate and member of Reward Style, I may earn a small commission if you use the links to shop…but, the brilliant thing is that it costs NOTHING more for you to shop on what I find for you…genius! Helps both of us. Please check out my disclosure policy.

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Vickie Ramey
I’m trying!
Leslie J Watkins
You are going to be amazing at this. I have faith in you!
As a fellow tray lover, I can sure appreciate this post. Emma actually brought me soup and a grilled cheese sandwich on a tray last night as I’ve been down for the count with a nasty cold.
I love how so many things can become a “tray” of sorts!
As always,
Love reading your posts
Hi Leslie
I love trays and cadle sticks and holders.
You can never have too many if either in my opinion
Leslie J Watkins
I know. I have a problem!
Leslie J Watkins
Thank you, sweet friend. Trays make the world a better place and I am so thankful that Emma was there to make yours better with one. Hope you are much better!
Oh!! Leslie!! I understand. I get you! Come set by me. Bring your tray of course!
Leslie J Watkins
I’d love to sit by you…and bring my tray. With perhaps a bit of tea and shortbread. I’ll save you a seat…
Have always loved trays and baskets.
Put all the things that look like they are cluttering your nightstand on a tray and you instantly look organized. I gave my sister a large wood tray from Pier 1 for her coffee table and she was amazed at how organized & in place everything looked. It also helps her find the remote controls.
Leslie J Watkins
Yes! I do that, too! Another reason I love trays! And you can move the contents in one swoop!
Martha Wallace
I’m obsessed with trays too. I have no idea how many I own. I’m afraid to count! I don’t think you can have too many!
I so agree. I love trays.
Leslie J Watkins
I know. They are the best in creating the right tablescape or vignette, right?
Jean | Delightful Repast
Leslie, I just came over from #FriendshipFriday and am so glad to meet you! I, too, love feet under my kitchen table AND trays! Like my mother before me, and you, I can’t have too many trays.
Leslie J Watkins
I am so glad to have you here, Jean. I know! NEVER too many trays!