Life,  Projects

It’s Time to Celebrate Teachers

Many of you who join me here know that I spent many years in the classroom before retirement. It’s BACK TO SCHOOL time here in another week. And, in my way of thinking? Now would be a great time to celebrate teachers.

Do you remember when schools were closed and all across social media came those cute videos of how much teachers were missed by parents?!

Videos where parents were shopping and saying things like: “Teachers– do you need a microwave? here you go.. you need a vacation…where would you like to go? do you need pencils? here’s a few cases”. On and on the list of what they would give teachers for taking all of their kids back continued.

Are you with me?

Somewhere between virtual mayhem for EVERYONE, I think teachers became less appreciated again and children, as they should, became a primary focus for teachers and parents alike.

I am sure many parents are school shopping for supplies and clothes and all the extras that occur with preparation. That’s not a small feat. I’ve been there!

School has been hard. For everyone…students, teachers, administration, support staff, and parents.

All have their own nightmares and experiences that they don’t want to relive from the midst of the pandemic.

All of us are looking forward to Back to School normalcy.

So, as I type this, I am sure that there are teachers excited to be in their classrooms –working diligently on room arrangement. They are creating the most amazing bulletin boards and welcoming door decorations. Many here will have a theme to their room to create excitement and a desire to settle into their surroundings.

I’ve been in their shoes. Setting up files; creating the right atmosphere; looking at systems to make everything flow, problem solve and be inviting.

So much thought goes into every decision made by every teacher. I’m betting that because of what they have experienced in the last 18 months that THIS year’s start will be the most important of their teaching career. So, friends…


I know you may have just done that in May for a week where you brought food to the teacher’s lounge to celebrate them.

But, can I tell you? Perhaps, celebrating the start of this new year with them, might just go a long way in boosting their confidence and overcoming fears that they may all have right now.

Even if you are a grandparent, may I suggest you be involved? I have sent gifts to my grandchildren’s teachers in Los Angeles and Atlanta. Distance didn’t matter. I wanted those teachers to have tools to put effective learning into place and create a special place for my grands.

Here’s a cute idea for those of you who are creative!

Several of my friends and I had a great time last week at the Haven conference for bloggers in Atlanta. We all received a great packet of Colorshot Paint Markers in our “swag bag”. One of those friends came up with a great idea to all create a project with our Colorshot pens and then share them.

Well, my heart and head this time of the year is in the classroom. If you know me, you know that there will be a wreath or two around a classroom with all sorts of things that went with my classroom. I’ve already shown a few wreaths on this blog here and here and here.

But, when I opened that packet of pens, I knew what I wanted to do. A version of a “wreath”; but, more of a “sign”.

  • We also received a pizza pan and spray paint from Behr paints and immediately an idea came into place.
  • A trip to the Dollar Tree for this sign and crayons were added to the project.
  • Floral wire, velcro, gorilla glue, a glue gun and great ribbon that I had on hand finished the project list.
Crayons, the arrow sign and pizza pan can all be found at the Dollar Tree. Those Colorshot pens and Behr spray paint are found at your local Home Depot Store. TIP: Sand the words off the sign BEFORE you spray paint…(I also removed those legs before painting, too.)

CRAYON BACK TO SCHOOL SIGN is a perfect room addition!

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Back to School Classroom Decoration

A great Back to School sign made with crayons, a pizza pan, ribbon, spray paint and colorshot paint pens!
Keyword: Back to School, Behr Spray Paint, Classroom Decoration, Colorshot Paint Pens, Crayon Wreath


  • Drill
  • Floral Wire and wire cutters
  • scissors
  • Glue gun


  • 1 Aluminum pizza pan
  • 1 Reception sign Dollar Tree- unless you choose to add more!
  • 2 boxes Crayons- 48 Dollar Tree
  • 1 can Black, Behr Spray paint
  • 1 can White, Behr Spray paint
  • 1 packet Colorshot Paint pens I used primary colors
  • Floral wire
  • Ribbon, to match colors
  • Velcro
  • Gorilla glue
  • Glue gun and glue sticks
  • 1 1" wooden block


  • Drill a hole for the wire hanger and to attach ribbon on the top of the pizza pan.
  • Sand down the letters to remove the "reception" wording of the sign and remove the legs from the back to leave a flat arrow sign.
  • Spray the pizza pan white. (I used 2 coats.)
  • Spray the arrow sign black.
  • After arrow sign is dry, add lettering with the teacher's name, "welcome", or "be kind", etc. onto the arrow.
  • After the pizza pan has dried completely (I let mine dry overnight), add polka dots to the inside of the pizza pan.
  • Use a glue gun to glue the crayons with the points out onto the edge of the pan. Leave a 1" space without crayons at the top directly above the hole.
    TIP: Lay your crayons out in the order you want to glue before you begin.
    TIP: To keep the circle even…line your crayons with the same letter on the edge and apart enough to line up the circles around the end of the crayons as you glue them. They will then be the same distance from the edge and keep the inside circle round.
  • Create a bow and attach with wire through the hole at the top of the pan. Loop the wire to create a "hanger" behind the bow.
  • Attach a block of wood to the center of the sign with gorilla glue for extra strength to hold it in place.
  • Add velcro to the back of the sign and the block of wood so that they line up to be able to be added and removed when desired. Feel free to make more signs with different messages to change out!


A great gift idea for a teacher’s classroom.
TIP: If you can match colors or design to their classroom, you win EXTRA POINTS!
TIP: If you are making this for a teacher in a specialized area, consider replacing the crayons with something that relates to their teaching area.
TIP: Make additional arrow signs as the year progresses for the teacher to change out that sign! Genius! You can gift all of them at the beginning or as the “seasons” or “sentiment” word on the sign needs a change!
You will now be that teacher’s new best cheerleader and friend! 
Begin by drilling the hole in the pizza pan for adding the hanger/bow before you paint.
The hardest part of this project was letting the spray paint dry on the pizza pan and sign to finish!
Add the dots design with those COLORSHOT PAINT PENS onto the pizza pan and the sentiment onto the arrow sign after that paint has dried.
After the design has dried, begin gluing those crayons around the edge.
Leave a space to add the ribbon and wire hanger through the hole. Don’t forget to clean those hot glue strings off!

You know…if you make signs with words like:

  • Welcome
  • Mrs. or Mr. —-
  • Be Kind
  • Inspire
  • Be Thankful
  • Jingle Bells
  • Merry! Merry!
  • Let it Snow!
  • Love
  • Happy Spring!
  • Be Happy

…to name a few…those signs can be changed out and create a collection that that teacher will love! What an incredible way to CELEBRATE TEACHERS! An idea that will KEEP the spirit to celebrate those teachers all year long.

The gift that keeps on giving….

I would LOVE it! How about you?

Most of all, it lets those teachers know that you are supporting them; seeing the hard work that they do for the kids in their care; cheering on the sidelines!

Not for just the Back to School time of year or the end of the year…but, each and every moment. I promise that it will help them keep focused on the children in their classroom and endure all of those extras that have to be done for their job.

Now here’s a few more craft ideas to inspire you–

Join my friends to see what they have been up to with those #MyColorshot Pens! All of them would make a perfect gift for Teachers!

Gathered in the Kitchen
Yellow Cottage Living
This Dear Casa
A Loverly Life

Didn’t everyone do a great job?!!

Can I tell you that as I stood in the aisle of Michaels looking for supplies for this project, two men were talking about gathering their teacher supplies. One said, “I am still using those pens you gave me from last year” and “I just don’t know how much my bank account will allow me to buy this year for my classroom”….and I thought about the hundreds of dollars I spent on gathering supplies for not only ME to use; but, my students.

You see as a high school teacher, there was no “list” for students to contribute to make sure every student had what they needed. Sure, I did fundraisers; but, like many teachers, I “personally paid the bill”.

This crayon wreath will be gifted to decorate a classroom. A simple gesture, but one that I hope will be loved.

Please take every opportunity to support the teachers that you know. They truly will appreciate you!

A very special thank you to and Behr paints for inspiring all of this creativity!!

I’d love to know your gifting ideas, as well! Can’t wait to read the comments!



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