Life,  Projects

How To Save Sweet Easter Memories

What are your memories of Easter? Moments remembered? Things that you might hold dear from your memory banks? In reeling back my memories, I would have to say the beauty of a worship service seemed to be brighter and happier than any other day of the year for me. Maybe it was in learning the meaning of Easter that pierced my heart in ways that I still experience.

Perhaps, it was new Easter attire when I was little with corsages of fresh flowers and patent leather shoes, hats and gloves; or the extra special music that burst forth in praise from the choir; or maybe the beauty of the flowers that seemed to adorn every spot in the church that could be decorated.

Are you like that?

There are the memories of our parents loading all five kids into that station wagon and heading to grandmother’s farm. She wasn’t a gourmet cook; however, rest assured that the overflowing supply of meat and vegetables and desserts would place all of us into food comas that would land us onto porch swings or beds or chairs or couches in that large farmhouse.

Easter baskets were simply a carrier of eggs for hunts when I was little.

Those special egg hunts and egg dying were the highlight of Easter memories.

Filling Easter baskets with special things that I tucked in and arranged until my heart was happy was a true joy for creating memories for my boys.

So, what are you doing to create Easter memories this year?

Does it include special ways to remember the true meaning of Easter? Sacred moments or ways to help you reflect and hold priorities in place?

Are you planning…

a menu that includes favorites that will invoke memories? I wonder what that favorite for each person who’s joining you would be? Will it be traditional? A new menu? A carryout? or perhaps, heading out to meet in a Covid friendly venue. A picnic? One that includes a decorated table? Maybe a favorite restaurant? How about a beautifully set home cooked meal?

I think for me, the sad part is that both my boys and families live far away from home, so that gathering with them and their families is far out of the picture each year. My siblings are now in Alaska and Florida and Virginia and one a bit closer to home; so, they won’t be joining us.

As I began thinking about those Easters past…I pulled up photos on the computer that my husband so graciously scanned years ago.

There I was in all my Easter glory.

I’m the one cheesing in the middle. Not sure what happened to the hat, gloves and purse that always had to be worn. It was important to have those new shoes. And it looks like Mother managed to pull off matching ones for all three of us! Many years she made us matching dresses. By the time I grew into the third dress… it was familiar and loved; especially, if they were the same fabric in three different colors. Variety helped.

As I looked at this photo, all of the puzzle pieces began to fall into place.

You see, we have lost an artform in the world that is needed again. A true artform of letter writing. Do you love receiving handwritten notes? letters? Personal sentiments, inspiration, encouragement? Me, too! I think all of us do, right?

As I looked at that photo…I remembered a creative idea I had one year. I was in charge of a scholarship fundraiser at a national meeting. Lightbulb went off! Creativity struck and greeting cards were created. You guessed it! From old photos.


I don’t know about you, but we have some amazing photos from my family. Photos were printed. Captions to suit. The addition of those photos were added to those cards, wrapped carefully and flew off of those tables and into the laughing, happy buyers’ hands.

Now, I have a sister that wasn’t quite fond of the idea of someone laughing over her blowing candles out on a cake. But, in all good sportsmanship for a great cause, she was in!

Can I take you back to my idea for Easter memories this year?

I love FaceTime, texting, Zoom and phone calls. Can I be completely honest with you? When sentiments are written, they can be captured and read and reread again. I do that with those letters and cards that have been given to me. Do you? So, off to sharing old memories of Easters past and new ones capturing spring and Easter 2021 was the ticket.

I found my favorite pictures depicting Easters past and present, printed them and began creating the cards.
I cut the photos to fit onto the blank cards.
Glued all of those photos to cards…and mounted them to colored card stock. You can leave a frame around the photo, embellish with ribbon or glitter, or even add a sentiment on the front. As I progressed, I found my tape runner double stick tape and that was a gamechanger.

As part of a group of bloggers creating beauty to share with you today for Easter, I decided that this was my contribution.

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Photo Greeting Cards

Bring back the artform of using old photos that bring memories of special occasions or creating new photos to capture new memories to write special notes and sentiments for loved ones and friends.
Keyword: cards, Easter, idea guide, letterwriting, memories


  • Computer, scanner, printer, photo copier (even local business), paper cutter, or scissors


  • Old Photo copies scanned and printed on card stock/photo paper
  • Card Stock or Photo paper for photos
  • Blank greeting cards with envelopes
  • Glue sticks or double sided tape


  • IDEA GUIDE- Feel free to be creative in your interpretation.
  • Find old photos that bring back memories of Easter. OR take new photos of Spring or Easter vignettes to use.
  • Purchase greeting cards with envelopes in whatever color or size you prefer.
  • Scan photos and print onto cardstock or photo paper the size that fits onto your cards.
  • Select a font and greeting or sentiment for the front and/or inside, if you prefer.
  • Print your sentiment onto the outside/inside, if desired, of your card, or leave blank for writing.
  • Cut the photo to fit onto the front of the card and attach with glue stick or double sided tape.
  • Feel free to embellish with ribbon or other decorative ways, such as embossing, glitter, etc.
  • The BEST part is to spend time writing inside that card, sharing heart felt sentiment to those who will receive it!


Feel free to be creative in how you have photos printed, whether at home, or elsewhere! 
This gives you a beautiful way to bring back the art of letter writing, card sending, sentiment sharing to a world that greatly needs it.
A meaningful way to bring back or create new memories of Easter! 

I’ll be using new and old photos this year to create memories of Easter to family and friends on these cards. I have many spring photos here on the blog that will make perfect additions for those cards. With celebrations still hesitant even for those who are close, what a beautiful way to share with them? Thoughtful, hand written notes. I love receiving them and giving them.

I now have new reason to decorate, menu plan and celebrate Easter with new thought and intention. A new way of sharing and creating Easter memories with others? Why stop there? Wouldn’t this be a great new way to celebrate EVERY event? Birthdays? Retirements? Graduations? Anniversaries?

If you have loved ones who live near, treasure them.

Set the menu! Safely open the doors or lawns to celebrate with them. If only carryout or potluck or home cooked, celebrate life together. Enjoy each moment. Create new moments and memories so that all who are with you hold them dearly.

But, if you just need to encourage and write…

the cost of making these is far less than those on shelves including the cost of postage; but, to the recipient? Priceless.

I’m attaching links for your convenience to help you create your own cards. These cost no more to you, but may help the blog as an Amazon affiliate. See my disclosure policy.



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