Victorian wedding cake at Adsmore
Life,  Projects,  Table Talk

An Elegant Victorian Wedding Adventure

Do you love adventures? Last week was a full and busy week of canning and freezing…so when my sister suggested that we make a visit to Adsmore for a true Victorian wedding adventure? That sounded like a perfect trip.

Now, let me explain about Adsmore…it’s a beautiful home listed on the National Register of Historic Places that was owned by the prominent Smith-Garrett family at the close of the Victorian Era and the dawn of the Edwardian Era.

It’s interesting that after the death of each family member, items for them were placed into trunks with tobacco leaves protecting from moths and destruction.

Additionally to keep all of the furnishings, furniture and keepsakes in this house, Katharine Garrett, the last living member of the family chose to leave a trust to manage the home and contents in a museum setting. A brilliant move since giving it to a National Trust group would allow belongings moved to other locations and lose the personal integrity and feel of this home.

It’s the contents of those trunks that are brought out and shared for different events that occur each year. They were so careful to keep details and records that it’s amazing to see actual clothing, furnishings, personal albums, photos, and things that were owned by the family used for each event.

I shared Christmas at Adsmore with you here which is lovely; but, honestly? Selena’s wedding may be my new favorite.

A Victorian Wedding

May I take you with me to the wedding?…In all of it’s glory.

If you are close to Princeton, KY? It’s so worth an hour of your time and the $10 cost to help in supporting the museum.

This time of year, when you arrive? Beauty of the crepe myrtle and hydrangea dot the grounds.

Victorian urns are beautiful…

planter on the porch of Adsmore

Both on the porch and lawn…

Victorian urn on the law of Adsmore

Before the tour begins, we wait on the back porch to enter. The architecture of the painted brick, victorian touches, and hinged shutters always provide a reminder of the elegance and quality of this home.

shutters on outside of Adsmore Victorian Home

Here we go!

It’s actually in November 1907 and the house as we enter is a buzz with activity.

Miss Selina Smith, the younger daughter to the Smith family met her fiance in the spring on a tour of Egypt. Twenty-eight years older, Dr. John Eugene Osborne, has always been a confirmed bachelor.

Known far and wide as a doctor, former Governor of Wyoming, and now a congressman in Washington, DC., guests will arrive to meet Selina and witness the ceremony.

The guests will arrive early before the scheduled 10:30 am event in the parlor.

There’s a vast array of photos of the couple’s meeting in Egypt set up in the sitting area.

photos spread in Victorian wedding sitting room

A more informal room where guests will drop off their wedding gifts and casually gather before the ceremony begins.

Selena's wedding gifts at Adsmore Victorian wedding

This morning, there’s a panic when the niece, Katharine Garrett, has misplaced the pillow to carry the rings. Thankfully found, she is excited to be in the wedding.

For safekeeping, the pillow that will hold the rings are waiting for their focus on the table. Next to the pillow, awaits the family Bible where the ceremony will be recorded.

Victorian table holding the family Bible and wedding pillow

More Victorian wedding preparations are upstairs…

Up the stairs, Kate, Selina’s sister and husband have placed their trunks in the guest room.

trunks and clothing at Adsmore for the Victorian wedding.

Decorated with pineapples from the bed to the wallpaper is the guest room where Kate and husband will stay. A box with Kate’s dress to serve as her sister’s matron of honor awaits her on the guest bed.

guest room with Kate's boxed dress at Adsmore for Selina's Victorian wedding

The Victorian wedding dress awaits in Selina’s room…

Lots of preparations are readied in Selina’s room. Her dress and flowers await her, as well, as gifts of lingerie to take with her for her 3 month honeymoon.

Side view of Selina's Victorian wedding gown at Adsmore

Even her gloves, fan and handkerchief await to compliment her dress.

Her honeymoon will begin at the Democratic convention in Colorado, on to California and abroad before returning to Wyoming for her first view of her new home.

back of the Victorian wedding dress at Adsmore

Katharine’s dress awaits in her mother’s bedroom.

A white dress with intricate lace, white high top shoes and the sweetest crown of flowers for her head will be put on Katharine closer to the wedding time, to avoid mishap and soiling.

Katharine's dress for the Victorian wedding at Adsmore

Mother’s Victorian dress also awaits.

Hanging in Mother’s room is the elegant gown in wedding colors of yellow and white that will be added with her attendant’s assistance this morning. Her morning dress hanging behind will be worn until it’s time to put on the dress for Selina’s wedding.

Mother's dress for the Victorian wedding

Mother’s hair will be affixed in a bun underneath the black hat which will be held on by the hat pen. Black is the third color selected for the wedding which adds elegance and refinement for the Victorian season.

Selina’s mother also has her gloves and fan set out for the wedding on her writing table.

The assistant has carefully laid out the corset and other items needed for Mrs. Garrett to dress for the wedding this morning across the bed.

Isn’t it a lovely bedroom?

Selina’s father has all of his attire laid out in his room, as well.

As time draws near for the wedding…

Those who have arrived have signed the guest book in the foyer. What a precious keepsake that has kept its contents now for over 100 years. Safely stored in the trunks in the attic.

Victorian Wedding guest register

Upon their arrival, guests may linger on the front porch, the lawn, the sitting room awaiting the beginning of the wedding.

Garlands with yellow and white flowers and ribbon decorate the staircase where Selina will descend for the wedding.

decorated staircase at Adsmore for the Victorian wedding

Wedding arrangements and beautiful linens are everywhere throughout the house.

hallway table at Adsmore

The parlor’s original white wicker baskets overflow with Selina’s favorite yellow and white flowers in front of the fireplace.

wedding baskets filled with flowers

A beautiful scarf adorns the baby grand piano for the ceremony.

baby grand piano decorated for the Victorian wedding at Adsmore

Since there’s no air conditioning in 1907, the windows are open for air circulation. Fans are provided for guests to assist in air movement during the wedding.

Victorian fans on chairs for the wedding

Victorian Wedding Reception

As guests move to their seats, the wedding party will enter for a beautiful ceremony. There’s only a two hour window from the 10:30 wedding and departure on the train at 12:30. Time will be precious.

In the nearby dining room, the table is set with original linens, punch bowl, furniture, dishes and flatware. Such an elegant reception set before us.

A beautiful wedding cake, sweets and punch will be served from the center table.

Victorian wedding reception table

Guests will dine on cornbread sticks, green peas, tiny sandwiches and other dishes from the sideboard.

Food sideboard at Adsmore

Another sideboard will serve the apple cider and champagne for guests.

Drink sideboard at Adsmore

Victorian Wedding Favors

No Victorian wedding is complete without boxes of fruit cake wrapped and ready for guests to take home.

Victorians were certain that sleeping with that box of wedding cake under their pillow would cause them to dream of their future spouse.

Who knew?

boxed Victorian wedding cake at Adsmore

Now, wasn’t it a lovely wedding? Lots of Victorian wedding inspiration.

Adsmore never disappoints.

If you are close to Adsmore in Princeton, KY? This wedding is on the schedule through August.

Trust me.. more rooms and stories and details during this tour make a visit even more special.

If you’d love to see Adsmore at Christmas, click here.

Thanks for joining me, friends.

Until the next tour, happy adventures!



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