Creating the BEST Christmas Memories
If you are like me, somehow the busi-ness of this time of year may overwhelm you so that survival may become your mantra. Can I tell you that this year creating the best Christmas memories may need to take priority? I’ll take that.
Before the end of November, decorations began to appear in our small towns and communities that surround where I live.
You see, there is a historic home in my mother’s hometown, close to where she is buried, that brings back my mother’s voice in sharing about the family who lived here.
Adsmore Historical Home

My mother knew this family well. She walked past this home daily.

Around the corner from Princeton’s court square, it was on the way to everywhere you needed to go in my mother’s hometown.

Time for new Christmas memories to be made…
Why is this visit special today?
My sister joined me to tour and to visit, comment, and ask questions from the tour guide.
Questions about the family…the home…the Christmas traditions.
If you’d like to know more about Adsmore Historic Home, click here.

Katharine Garrett’s story about her family, their history and impact on our community began here.

With a photo of Katharine to greet you as you enter.

You see, my sister and I have this connection.
A common thread…
A common thread of touring this home through the seasons and seeing the owner’s life during Christmas, weddings, wakes, holidays, and birthday celebrations.

Each and every visit there are new things from the attic with new stories about who was visiting and what their trunks and trinkets offered for viewing.

Visits here adds to the Christmas memories.
After my mother’s stroke and death, my sister and I met each Saturday morning for months to clear out and clean up mother’s home for the new owner…our former English teacher and friend.
I’ve shared more about my mother here.
There were often tears when the phone would ring with someone looking for mother. Followed by laughter when we’d find another hidden snickers bar OR pair of donated panty hose for some project she had planned for her role as nursing home social activities director.
When we had both had enough tears and laughter…off to lunch we would go until the next Saturday rolled around for a repeat performance.
Treasured and difficult times each and every time until the keys were passed to the next owner.
But, in the middle of those times, with a new tour offered at this home, tickets would be purchased and tours to learn more about the people who lived here happened.
A welcome distraction for both of us.
Tours at this museum brings us joy.

The dining room set up with a beautiful table setting and side board decorations reflect the era of this year’s Christmas memories.

The linens, china and serving pieces all reflect the owner’s wealth and tastes.
An antique cookbook on display?
I’d love to just sit and read the recipes and special preparations offered in this one.

Even the stockings took on the appearance of the era.

Wouldn’t you love to have tea here?

From original napkins, china, linens, fixtures, furniture and even some of the ornaments on the tree, all provide a feeling that you have stepped back in time to a former Christmas.
A wealthier version of Christmas than my mother’s family experienced, I’m sure.

Music was a part of Christmas memories in this home.
The baby grand to various antique music boxes proved music was a part of Christmases in this Smith-Garrett home.

Why was this tour important?
Time was spent together with my sister.
Christmas memories made.
Lunch shared.
Even flowers taken to our parents and grandparents graves for Christmas.
Can I tell you, friends? Don’t miss opportunities to slow the fast and furious pace and miss opportunities to share with those you love.
This time of year is difficult for family members who have lost a spouse and been through difficult seasons.
Take time to spend with them. Create new Christmas memories and moments with them.
My sister and I made this a priority to share together once again.
I am thankful and truly grateful to be able to have done that.
Where would your Christmas memories to create take you?
Don’t miss those opportunities!
If you are close, here’s the link to Adsmore tickets.
Thank you, Karen, for a wonderful day together. Until the museum tour changes again, I’ll treasure this last one.
May you all have the best of times with each other,

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Martha Wallace
Such a lovely house! I’m thankful for your memories there!
Leslie J Watkins
We should visit there together!