Inspiration In the Unexpected- Saturday Sidelines
This week was a week of making memories and capturing them on Saturday’s sidelines. Often, when we least expect it, great things happen that cause us to pause to remind of us of that day or event later. Finding inspiration in the unexpected is so important not to miss.
Are you creating memories? uneventful things that happen to make you stop and take notice and appreciate? Finding inspiration from unexpected places?
That’s what happened this week.
Often, we simply miss a great deal going on around us.
We set a schedule, make plans, and follow through. Right?
Then, right in the middle of the “list”, you find yourself in a magical set of circumstances.
Inspiration Happens.
Right there.
Beyond the edges of scribbled notes in the plan book…events that are unexpected or not anticipated creep in.
Can I share an example?
During Covid, we learned that telehealth visits were amazing. A 6-10 minute zoom call from the convenience of your home was brilliant.
So, rather than travel to a doctor 2-2 1/2 hours…and with traffic adding more time…to an office? Why not schedule a telehealth visit?
Enter the tactical issue of not “practicing” in Kentucky which meant traveling somewhere to be in Tennessee a requirement.
Creating memories sometimes means a bit of creativity.
We began to look at our “across the border” to Tennessee options for creativity. Clarksville was our first option. A Panera Bread with wifi and lunch and stops to Target and our favorite shops before heading home.
Then more creativity hit.
What other towns were closer than Clarksville that needed a visit?
Martin was our first visit with a louder than desired zoom from a coffee shop before heading to the Grind for lunch.
But, before we left that visit, we decided that perhaps the next time we had a need to cross the state line for a zoom, we could plan to go different places.
Can I tell you that a visit to the NEW public library secured a study room with free wifi? That was set into place for the next week’s telehealth zoom.
So, the next zoom visit brought us back to that study room in a bright and picturesque setting.
As I shared with you earlier, I had NO idea that there would be magical moments created throughout this day.
This library is only a year old. Beautiful and perfect in so many ways. I walked in to see the entrance to the children’s library.
Do you see those large trees inside? Be still my heart.

For those of you who know me, that love for teaching early childhood would have made me quite content to have been parked there on a pod for the remainder of the day.

My husband checked in and got his “key” to the study room and he set up for the meeting while I wandered down the aisle with all of the books in the world that screamed “READ ME”!!

Cookbooks, canning books, yes, please!
And then that 7 minute call ended and the books were returned to be sorted and filed once more. We lingered through the book store, the “friends of the library” books for sale shelves, the Tennessee Room with an elegant baby grand piano and the children’s area for a little while longer.
Then on our way to the next unscheduled moment to etch memories and add inspiration.
A new spot inspired me in so many ways…Blake’s At Southern Milling…we will be back!

I love when new places provide menus that are amazing! This burger was one of the BEST I have ever had…and the secret ingredient? PEPPER JAM! Another reason to have a great pepper jelly in your life! TIP: This special is only offered on Thursday who want to follow along there.
Who knew? Here’s my pepper jelly (jam) here if you need a recipe.
Inspiration when you least expect it.
As we were leaving town, an interior decorators shop caught my eye.

A mixture of old and new were beautifully set. Inspiration to use what I have in new and different arrangements was what began in this little shop.
Fall vignettes…

Hints of Christmas…

And decorating ideas all around.

Can I tell you that often in the middle of shopping comes the BEST moments for inspiration?

Right in the middle of that sweet shop was found the, “I need to make that moment”.

Can’t wait to share that with you soon!
Are you looking for inspiration?
Can I tell you that the moments of inspiration and beauty that I took in today were beneficial?
- It gave me a new appreciation for the public libraries that offer so many sources of insight and learning.
- New fall inspiration for decorating my home was birthed.
- A great new way to use those jars of pepper jelly was noted.
- An appreciation for other small towns and their local offerings was etched into my memories.
So, where will YOU find inspiration this week?
May I suggest that you…
- Make a visit to a town close to you to see what hidden inspiration it may hold for you.
- Take photos of things that inspire you to keep those memories close to your mind.
- Even visit their local library or your local library to see what you may find among its shelves.
- Behold the landscape along the way.
- Find a new local place to stop for a meal.
- Visit an antiques or design shop to inspire you to begin transitioning your home for fall.
May the landscape around you inspire you, friend.
Breathe it all in!
Here’s a few other things that inspired me this week on the web:
- this fall table runner.
- outdoor entertaining ideas.
- pumpkins made with napkins and decoupage.
- leaf trinket dishes from clay.
- my friend’s home tour.
- love this friend’s idea for dollar tree pumpkins.
- need an idea for a vase?
I hope you’ve been inspired this week.
Inspired to take a moment to breathe in all around you.
Inspiration to make the transition to fall inside and out.
Take time to take short adventures to new places even if it’s to view the landscape.
Need more inspiration for fall?
Here are a few shopping links for your perusal…and shopping convenience that cost you no more but may provide a small commission for using them. Helps both of us!

A GREAT Pepper Jelly Dip

How To Preserve Tomatoes
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I love those special surprises that inspire us. I shook my head reading about the issues of “not practicing” in one state conundrum. I work at a hospital and this something I keep hearing about. But sounds like you found a good solution that keeps you closer to home, and– bonus!– what looks like a great library. By the way, your post reminded me that I have not visited a library in ages. I need to rememdy that. Have a great rest of your weekend!
Vickie Ramey
Such a neat reason to go exploring! That library looks amazing! We’re often so busy with “necessary” things to do that we don’t try to find new places. When we first went home we spent every Thursday for months exploring our “new” old town. We tried that for awhile here, too. But traffic is quite different from KY!
Leslie J Watkins
I have a feeling that “adventure” visits and new places are all around you. Maybe I need to come and help you find them!
Leslie J Watkins
Truly, I am not sure if they actually can tell where we are..? But, we don’t want to risk losing the doctors we have that are wonderful! Hope you have visited a library since reading this. It was like a new treasure chest and old friend rolled into one. Thanks for commenting! I loved it.
Leslie – this blog resonated with me. I have been rushing here, rushing there, rushing even when I am at home. My 90 year old mom noticed that this week and said “Crystal, you need to slow down, you aren’t enjoying life.” She was so correct but I just don’t know how to when so much needs to be done. Then reading your post made me realize I could incorporate moments that would inspire me or fill me with a memory just as you shared. There are hidden treasures all over, but I have been rushing right past them. Thank you for sharing your tips. As well, thank you so very much for the share. I appreciate it very, very much!!! You are such a lovely and wonderful friend. Glad we got to meet in person.
Leslie J Watkins
It was a joy to share your home tour. And, your Mom is a wise person. Listen closely. I guess as I grow older, I am wanting to linger longer, breathe in everything around me and not miss life. I am loving sharing life on our blogs and loved meeting you in person. Pure joy! Now, just keep that bear out of the swimming pool and house!