Purple floral sheep in the entrance garden at the 2025 Antiques and Garden Show of Nashville
Life,  Projects

2025 Antiques and Garden Show of Nashville

Every year I make the trip to the annual Antiques and Garden Show of Nashville. It NEVER disappoints.

Why attend the Antiques and Garden Show of Nashville?

The annual event serves as a fundraiser for Cheekwood and Nashville ECON charities that serve children and families.

And your ticket? A tax donation.

What an amazing way to support families and gardens. Another reason to attend this event. This year’s 35th annual show felt a bit busier than it usually is to me. It will hopefully provide wonderful donations to each of the charities.

This year’s theme:

Cultivating Home: Life Well Tended.

Benefactors for the Antiques and Garden Show of Nashville benefits always include cocktail parties, famous guest speakers, and other perks.

This year’s speakers shared topics from, “Cultivating the Character of Home”- with Brooke Shields and others; “Cultivating the Way We Live”- with Sheryl Crow and other speakers; “Cultivating a Beautiful Life”, and “Cultivating Timeless Design” with other notable guest speakers.

Each year the Music City Center downtown hosts the event. The garden rooms and vendors completely fill the space with beauty and inspiration.

entrance of the 2025 Antiques and Garden Show of Nashville

An Entry garden boasted a fountain centered in the front with a beautiful skirted tent in the back.

All throughout the event were large wooden planters filled with beautiful, large holly trees you can see in the photo.

The entrance this year was a daffodil filled field dotted with the sweetest lambs created with flower bodies in the richest colors.

So sweet.

light colored lamb at the Antiques and Garden show

Inglewylde – the West Garden

I always look forward to the garden rooms. Now, check this one out. Created by three teams–one for landscaping, masonry/construction, and the wattled archway of grapevine surround that was stunning.

grapevine entrance garden room 2025 Antiques and Garden Show Nashville

The time allowance for creating the spaces each year is 3 days. Can you imagine?

This one was astounding to be created in three days. But, then, I say that every year.

The grapevine structure and entrance was created in one day.

The heart of this garden is it’s hearth. Once a standard of an English garden, the inglenook provided a traveler with warmth and shelter.

The concrete/masonry building with beautiful fireplace and wooden roof were completed with their team…and again, can I say it?…in three days.

Look at the amazing landscaping around the garden room.

outside of masonry building in the garden room 2025 Antiques and Garden Show of Nashville

Isn’t this garden beautiful???

The fountain in the center of the enclosed lawn was the perfect touch.

garden fountain inside grapevine structure garden room at the 20225 Antiques and Garden Show of Nashville

The East Garden Hartley Room

The East Garden room featured a Cotswolds inspired Victorian greenhouse with teak rounded benches and a long fountain invite you just to sit among the trees.

And yes, I did respond to the invite, and sit for a bit among those trees.

Hartley Garden room set in the 2025 Antiques and Garden Show of Nashville
Hartley Garden room at the 2025 Antiques and Garden Show of Nashville

Beautiful inside and out…

Inside setting in Hartley Nashville 2025 Garden show

Vendor Shopping is ALWAYS amazing.

The theme of this year’s Antiques and Garden Show of Nashville- cultivating home- was more evident this year. From beautiful antique vendors to housewares and home decor throughout, it did not disappoint.

The antiques–from concrete, fabric, prints, furniture and beautiful rooms filled–always amaze me.

table setting in an antique vendor 2025 Antiques and Garden Show of Nashville

My favorite plant vendor, Selective Gardener, was there, as well, as many others who always inspire me.

plant in basket at Selective Garden vendor at 2025 Antiques and Garden show of Nashville

If you have an opportunity to attend, please do so next year. It’s my inspiration for home, DIY’s, and gardening every time.

My husband joined me this year…and loved all the creativity. This year he got to see everything firsthand, rather than me rambling about it for days!

Gary and I at the 2025 Antiques and Garden of Nashville Show

We are close enough to drive in and usually enjoy it for one day. However, your ticket will allow you to attend from Thursday through Sunday, giving you options.

Here are previous shows if you’d like to see more:

Next year’s show is January 8-11, 2026. Go ahead and add it to your calendar. Well worth the time and money. You won’t regret it.

If you are near Nashville, add March 8-April 13 to your calendar to visit Cheekwood In Bloom at Cheekwood Botanical Gardens.

Hope you were inspired by these glimpses into the show as I was being there. Mark your calendars!

Thanks for joining me, friends,



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